
The world needs to hear the good news of Jesus and he has given us the joy and responsibility to go and make disciples.  We are sent out to our own spheres of influence: homes, schools, offices, neighborhoods, and to the ends of the earth. Below are the missions supported by Cornerstone Church in 2023:

LOCAL – To discuss service opportunities in our local area, contact our Local Missions Team Leader Mary Anne Wenner (maryanneoh@columbus.rr.com).


NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL – To discuss service opportunities beyond our immediate community, contact the National & International Missions Team Leader Mary Anne Wenner (maryanneoh@columbus.rr.com).

YOUTH MINISTRY MISSIONS - To discuss opportunities for students and adult leaders to serve internationally, domestically, and locally, please contact Pastor Mark Confer (mark@ourcornerstone.org, 937-642-4712). 

More information about Local Missions

Click on each title to see more information. 

  • Offering the healing Presence of Jesus to women in Ohio Reformatory for Women.



    Please include their four-digit worker id # 3056.

    Address: TMS GLOBAL, 

    PO Box 936559, 

    Atlanta, GA 31193-6559.


    •    For our Indian and Nepali students at LCC International University in Lithuania: Chon Chon, Chingmi, Karuna, Prasansha, Ashok, and Min. 
    •   For the South Asian students at OSU to understand that they can worship Jesus in a way that honors their culture. 
    •   For Carrie's work through Healing Care Ministries among international students, as well as the incarcerated,
    •   For Manoj and his family in India as they follow Jesus and boldly lead their friends and neighbors to discover and follow Jesus.

    GO (Serving Opportunity):
      A) Join Tony and Carrie at one of the events at Ohio State University for South Asian students throughout the year: Indian Independence celebration, Diwali celebration, and Holi celebration.

    B) As a small group or Sunday school class, participate in the Who is My Neighbor study series created by TMS GLOBAL to become better equipped to love and share Jesus with those around you who are multi-faith, multi-cultural, and skeptical

  • Sharing the Gospel locally at the Union County Courthouse with individuals and families before and after court.


    To donate by check, make your gift payable to the following and drop off at Cornerstone Global Church

    Attn: Barry Haigh so it goes to the local ministry:

    Courtside Ministries
    One North LaSalle St.
    Suite 3150
    Chicago, IL 60602


    Pray for the Courtside Ministries Team and all who enter or exit the Union County Court House.

    Go (Serving Opportunity):

    Is God calling you to the Courtside team?

    • Do you have a passion to reach the lost?
    • Do you have a burden to pray for those in desperate need?
    • Are you looking for a way to reach out in your community?

    If you answered “yes” to these questions, then God may be calling you.

    Contact Information:
    Melanie Price
    Barry Haigh

  • Programs addressing the needs of men in prison as well as those transitioning out of prison, giving them the Gospel of Hope and Salvation as they walk thru life as a believer in Christ.

    Make check payable to:

    Cornerstone Global Methodist Church

    With FIST/Cards from Christ in the memo line


    •          Pray that each man who participates learns about Jesus
    •          Pray for changed hearts
    •          Pray for the gang leaders influence to help others learn about Christ

    Pray for the prisons to see the effectiveness of this program in the prison for ALL.

    GO (Serving Opportunity):

    Get together with your small group, family, Sunday school class to sign Christmas cards!

    Reach out to Kent Money for ways to serve with FIST.

  • A one-stop ministry with assistance for food, furniture, clothing, legal assist and the Emergency Assistance Program.




    • A permanent home for all of our ministries.
    • Support for all of our ministries.
    • That all of the staff and volunteers will share the love of Jesus with everyone, in every circumstance.
    GO (Serving Opportunity):
    Volunteers are always needed in all of the different ministries of the Hope Center.

  • 3 and half day retreat for men or women in prison with the goal of bringing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as well as creating a Christian community within the prison


    All Kairos activities are covered with prayer. You can be a part of that prayer effort.

    Contact us! You can find many of our prayer vigils on  3DAYOL


    All Kairos activities are covered with prayer.

    You can be a part of that prayer effort.


    To find ways to get involved with Kairos, please go to the following link:



  • Programs addressing the needs of men and women in prison as well as those transitioning out of prison, giving them the Gospel of Hope and Salvation as they walk thru life as a believer in Christ.


    PO Box 443
    Westerville, OH 43086
    email: info@kindway.org


    Pray for the opening of our third prison reentry program and for our participants still incarcerated. 

    GO (Serving Opportunity):

    Navigators (mentors), services for returning citizens including housing & jobs. 

  • Provides off-property Bible Education for children in the Marysville and Fairbanks Public Schools during the school day.




    •          Always for our students, to come with soft hearts and open ears to hear and love God’s word. 
    •          For our Teachers & Volunteers to stay healthy and continue to love serving. 
    •          To bring more volunteers and a substitute teachers that have a heart for kids and love for sharing God’s word. 
    •          Safety for the kids as they travel to & from school and for our Bus drivers.
    •       That LifeWise kids are different, and hold a higher moral standard and are an example to those around them.  


    • Volunteers are needed. Please reach out to LifeWise Fairbanks or Marysville contacts:
                                     Fairbanks - Whitney Shaffer: whitneyshaffer@lifewise.org

                                 Marysville - Christine Wheeler: christinewheeler@lifewise.org

  • Provides free walk-in food pantry for people in need on a regular basis.



  • Provides financial assistance to families wanting their children to have a Christian preschool experience at Cornerstone’s Preschool.



  • Providing support to women with unplanned pregnancies.


    New Path Pregnancy Resource Center


    •          For abortion vulnerable women in our communities
    •          For our clients and their children
    •          For wisdom and Gospel faithfulness
    •          For salvation for our clients
    •          For our Board of Directors, Staff and Client Advocates


    Client Advocate:  Advocates share the Gospel and serve clients with compassion.  Advocates help clients with pregnancy tests, education, referrals, Bible study, and material resources.

    Receptionist:  We have a steady stream of clients; the receptionist helps manage client traffic.

    Special Events:  Too busy to volunteer every week?  We need volunteers who can help plan, organize, and promote special events; as well as assist with the set-up/tear-down of the events.

  • Serving domestic violence victims and their families in Union County.



  • Tending to the paper goods, personal hygiene items that SNAP food cards do not cover every month.



  • Provide fast food lunches out of appreciation for the men of West Central Corrections setting up the 400 chairs each week for Sunday services.




More about our National and INternational Missions

Click on each title to see more information. 

  • Mentoring students and workers in various countries around the world.


    Address: TMS GLOBAL, 

    PO Box 936559, 

    Atlanta, GA 31193-6559.
    Phone:  800.478.8963
    Email:   Hayden Karp: HKarp@tms-global.org


    Pray for the salvation and life transformation of all those with whom we are sharing the love and Gospel of Jesus with.
    Pray that God will guide our every step and use us to see many movements of people to Jesus and into the Kingdom of God. 
    Pray that God will heal and bless our Indian children and guide them for His glory and their good in all things, especially regarding the opportunity to study at LCC.
    Pray that God will give us opportunities daily to share His love and light with anyone we come in contact with.  Pray that He will open the doors that He wants us to walk through and close those He doesn’t want us to walk through. 

    GO (Serving Opportunity):
      A) What we are doing is something anyone can do in their own lives.  We are building relationships among the diaspora population in our community as well as with our neighbors where we currently live and sharing life and the love of Jesus with them.
    B) We would be glad to lead anyone in the church interested in the “Who is My Neighbor” resource that we are creating with TMS GLOBAL.  Each part is an 8-week study with a video and a DBS.  We can lead groups through Part 1 as well as Part 2 when it is ready to be piloted this summer.
    C) We would also gladly discuss ways that the church can live missionally in their own neighborhoods.  We are willing to come alongside anyone who is interested in partnering with God on His mission right where they live, work, learn and play. 

  • Working to share the Gospel with college students on campus nationwide. Both Amy and Michael work in the administrative office. Amy is a business analyst and Michael supports CRU leaders working with the students.



    Michael and Amy Gray, through Cru

    Address: 534 Fitzwilliam Way, Orlando, FL 32828

    Email: michael.gray@cru.org; amy.gray@cru.org



    • Students and faculty in this current culture - that God would draw many to Himself and do a mighty work in people’s lives.  
    • The beginning of the fall semester - for our roles in resourcing staff to help in getting the gospel to students and faculty desperately in need of Jesus.
    • Mike's work that his team would be able to function well and even thrive in the midst of staff transitioning and God calling them to roles on other teams.  

    GO (Serving Opportunity):

    If there are people in the congregation who are interested, we could work to put them in touch with one or more of the many Cru campus movements in and around central Ohio.

  • Works with international students in southeast Michigan, sharing the Gospel and assisting them in their adjustment to attending school in America.


    Ministry of William Cross with Bridges International/Cru

    Address: 2869 Easy Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104

    Phone: 937-594-3423

    Email: william.cross@bridgesinternational.com


    •          Newly arriving international students as they pack & say their goodbyes around the world
    •          Celebrating the “sending” of our team leader to an overseas location for 1-2 years.
    •          Welcoming an interim leader and his wife for this  year.

    GO (Serving Opportunity):

    There are various opportunities available, if volunteer teams are interested in visiting or already have students attending one of our campuses, that my team would love to discuss with further.

  • Working around the world to provide self- sustainable hunger solutions for small-scale farmers thru education, hands-on guidance, and support. ECHO provides hope for their future by spreading the love of God in Word and Seed.




    For ECHO’s ministry to give hope against hunger to continue to plant seeds of Faith and the love of Jesus and to nurture the physical body. 

    GO (Serving Opportunity):

  • To provide shelter and hope for people experiencing homelessness by providing shelter, assistance, and hope.




    • For people living with poverty and homelessness in rural Appalachia.

    GO (Serving Opportunity)

    There are so many opportunities to serve at Good Works, as a family, with your small group or solo. Please visit their web site for more information

  • To build relationships for sharing the gospel with local college & high school students as well as missionary kids throughout the region. Rachel also assists the missionary parents as they navigate the challenges of overseas education.




    • Office space for our team.
    • A long-term youth center space   
    • All of the Japanese students, high school students, and missionary families across Asia and Pacific
    • Protection and growth in Christ for Rachel.
    • Provision of Rachel’s financial needs.

    GO (Serving Opportunity):


  • Operation Christmas Child - to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children around the world thru a shoebox gift, filled with goodies, love and the life-giving message of Christ as our Savior. Making disciples across the world.

    We collect year round for Operation Christmas Child. A donation bin is located in the BFLC entrance. The list below is a suggestion; please feel free to donate any other items you would like. However, no candy, gum, or toothpaste is allowed.

    FebruaryCombs, brushes and hair accessories
    MarchHats, scarves and gloves
    AprilDeodorant and bar soap
    MayRaisins, animal crackers, cheese crackers (NO CANDY OR GUM)
    JuneColoring books, activity books, journals
    JulyFlip Flops, socks, sun glasses
    AugustSchool supplies
    SeptemberCrayons, markers, colored pencils
    OctoberChap stick, small package of Kleenex

    For questions, contact Kathy Titmuss-Smith or the office at (937) 642-4712.

  • A non-profit ministry that educates, feeds, and supports rural African orphans and the children of HIV widows. Safe Anchor is a home for abused, neglected, and orphaned children and a small, quiet, and safe residential foster care home designed to re-create a healthy and stable family setting for our children. We are joining a “cluster” of four such houses each of which gives home to six children.




    • We need prayer partners to lift up the global need for missionaries

    GO (Serving Opportunity):

    Currently there are not many “go” opportunities.  You can visit their website to learn more about the ministries provided under ABWE.

  • Providing Christian seminary education in Moscow to hundreds of men in Russia so the Gospel of Jesus Christ will reach many areas of Russia.




    • For the Christian faith to spread throughout Russia – for all to hear the good news of Jesus!
    •  Funds for the seminary so they can continue theological training.

    GO (Serving Opportunity)

    At this time, there are no send options.

  • Brian works in the school that provides education for the children of the staff working on translating the many dialects of Philippine. Beth works on translations. This effort is making the scriptures available in local languages and dialects for the native people to read and study for the first time.




    • Office space for our team.
    • A long-term youth center space.
    • All of the Japanese students, high school students, and missionary families across Asia and Pacific.

    GO (Serving Opportunity):


  • Matthew 7:12 works toward meeting the physical needs of the people of Zambia/Malawi by providing a fresh, clean water supply while intentionally working to build relationships within the communities they serve.




    • For the protection of our team as we travel and work in areas that severely lack infrastructure;
    • The Lord to open doors and partnerships with donors and likeminded individuals;
    • To build relationships with strategic partners;
    • Prayers for the communities where we have placed wells and those that the Lord is preparing now. 
    There may be opportunities in the future to assist with packaging of pumps to head to Zambia/Malawi as the pumps we are using are manufactured Ohio.

FOOD COLLECTION at the BFLC entryway

Food can be dropped off in the entryway of the BFLC. 

Donated items support our local food pantries at Marysville Food Pantry & Hope Center!  

Thank you for your beautiful, giving heart church!

Ways You Can Serve in Our Local Community

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

The Community Thanksgiving Dinner has become an annual way to reach out to those who would not otherwise have such a feast on Thanksgiving Day.  The meal is provided for our county’s seniors, shut-ins, and those families who are struggling this season.  In past years, more than 800 meals were provided to our neighbors.  

This community outreach cannot happen without people like you!  Here are some ways in which you can help:

- Send a monetary donation                     

- Food donation (pies, cakes, rolls)        

- Drivers to deliver meals

- Volunteers—cooks, set-up servers, food preparation

Please visit the Community Thanksgiving Dinner website for more info and to sign up to volunteer:  ctdmarysville.com