Our STrategies

  • We don't wait for people to come to us.  We actively engage with our neighbors, coworkers, friends, family, and strangers to let them know they are loved, valued, and worth our time.

  • We don't walk alone as we experience Jesus.  We connect people to help them grow, do life, and do ministry together.  When someone sets foot in our church they will be warmly welcomed and received.  The church is a place for friendship and belonging, not judgment.  It is a place where people encounter our Savior and Lord exactly where they are.  


    We want all people to expand their knowledge of who God is and how He wants to use them in everyday life. Through Bible study, training, mentoring, classes, and experiences we will prepare people to be joyful lifelong disciples that reproduce other disciples. We also value growing together in community and encourage small group, life group and share group practices. Christian life is better when we do it together!  

  • The world needs to hear the good news of Jesus and he has given us the joy and responsibility to go and make disciples.  We are sent out to our own spheres of influence: homes, schools, offices, neighborhoods, and to the ends of the earth.