Mark your calendars:
Our Charge Conference will be Sunday, October 24th starting at 4:30pm in the Sanctuary in person and online via Zoom. Child care will be available. Members of the church are invited to attend this important meeting.
The church charge conference is the annual business meeting that votes in officers for the church, edits the Guiding Principles of the church, sets some salaries, etc. One must be a ‘full member’ in our membership records to have voice and vote.
- Click on this link at 4:15pm to be ready for the meeting:
- Follow any on-screen instructions that might say you need to download some software or the Zoom app – keep clicking “yes” and eventually a new window will open with the meeting.
- You will already be ‘muted’ – so we will not hear you speak until you ‘unmute’ yourself. (We will explain that in the meeting)